Self-Esteem Counseling & Psychotherapy in Dubai, UAE - Decoding Quirks

Self-esteem Enhancement

Self-esteem is a person’s overall sense of self-worth or value. It encompasses how a person feels about themselves, their abilities, and their place in the world. At Decoding Quirks, they understand the importance of self-esteem in one’s mental health and work closely with individuals providing self-esteem therapy to enhance their self-worth and self-perception.

Self-esteem is the result of self-love, but they also go hand in hand for it to thrive. Self-esteem enhancement refers to the process of improving and developing one’s perception of their own self-worth and capabilities. It involves recognizing and appreciating one’s strengths while also addressing and overcoming any self-doubts or negative self-perceptions whilst being honest and accepting of your flaws.

Seeking self-esteem therapy can be beneficial as it will help you make better decisions, take risks, be accountable for your actions and bounce back from negative experiences. A trained professional can offer guidance and tools to help you identify and challenge negative thought patterns, build confidence, and develop a more positive self-brand, leading to greater self-love. With the help of Decoding Quirk’s self-esteem counselling, individuals can develop;

  • A positive self-image
  • Challenge negative beliefs,
  • Cultivate a sense of self-worth.

Self-esteem can significantly impact academic and professional success. When individuals have confidence in their abilities and believe in their potential, they are more likely to set ambitious goals, persist in learning or work endeavours, and handle setbacks constructively. Positive self-esteem can also enhance communication skills, assertiveness, and leadership qualities.

Yes, self-esteem can vary across different areas of life. For example, an individual may have high self-esteem in their professional life but struggle with self-doubt in personal relationships. Various factors and experiences can influence self-esteem differently in different domains, and it’s important to address and nurture self-esteem holistically.

Self-esteem plays a significant role in relationships. When individuals have healthy self-esteem, they tend to have better communication, set boundaries, and engage in mutually respectful interactions. Low self-esteem, on the other hand, can lead to difficulties in asserting oneself, fear of rejection, and a tendency to tolerate unhealthy behaviours. One of our clients, VS from India, says that, “My constant struggles in relationships were due to my low self-esteem and Aditi helped me recognize and change that. Now I have more fulfilling relationships in life”

Yes, self-esteem can change over time. It is not a fixed trait and can be influenced by various factors such as life experiences, relationships, and personal growth. With conscious effort and self-reflection, it is possible to improve and enhance self-esteem.

Self-esteem can significantly impact success in life. When individuals have a positive self-image and belief in their abilities, they are more likely to set and achieve goals, persist in the face of challenges, and pursue opportunities. High self-esteem can contribute to greater motivation, resilience, and overall satisfaction with accomplishments.

Yes, external factors such as social interactions, societal expectations, and media influence can impact self-esteem. Comparisons to others, criticism, and negative feedback can contribute to lower self-esteem. However, it’s important to recognize that self-esteem ultimately comes from within and can be nurtured and strengthened through self-acceptance and self-care.

Self-esteem can influence decision-making processes. Individuals with higher self-esteem tend to trust their judgement and make decisions based on their own values and priorities. On the other hand, low self-esteem may lead to indecisiveness, seeking validation from others, and a fear of making mistakes.

Low self-esteem is often linked to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. It can also lead to a negative self-image and feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness.

Signs of low self-esteem may include;

  •  Negative self-talk
  •  Difficulty accepting compliments
  •  Excessive self-criticism
  •  Social withdrawal
  •  Lack of motivation or enthusiasm.

 These symptoms can be treated with self-esteem therapy.

Self-esteem therapy can help individuals identify and challenge negative beliefs and patterns of thinking that contribute to low self-esteem. It can also help individuals develop more positive self-talk, coping skills, and a stronger sense of self-worth.

Strategies for building self-esteem may include practising self-care, setting and achieving small goals, engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfilment, surrounding oneself with positive and supportive people, and seeking therapy or other forms of support.

Social media can have both positive and negative effects on self-esteem. On one hand, social media can provide opportunities for social connection and support. On the other hand, it can also lead to feelings of inadequacy or comparison to others, particularly through exposure to curated and idealised images and lifestyles. It’s important to be mindful of the impact of social media on one’s self-esteem and to take steps to minimise negative effects. In today’s digital age, social media can significantly impact self-esteem. 

Our therapists at Decoding Quirks help individuals navigate the effects of social media through self-esteem therapy, emphasising the importance of mindfulness and minimising negative comparisons with others and assist in building self-esteem.

Decoding Quirks believes that everyone deserves to feel valued and empowered, and their services are designed to promote self-esteem enhancement.

Ways for increasing self-esteem can vary depending on individual needs and preferences. Some common approaches include 

  • Cognitive-behavioural therapy, which helps to identify and challenge negative thought patterns, 
  • Mindfulness-based therapies, which focus on developing self-awareness and self-acceptance
  • Interpersonal therapy 
  • Self-esteem counselling, which emphasises building positive relationships and improving communication skills. 
  • Self-help techniques such as journaling, positive affirmations, and self-care practices can also be effective in boosting self-esteem.

Yes, self-esteem can be improved without professional help. Engaging in self-reflection, practising self-compassion, and surrounding yourself with supportive and positive influences can also contribute to self-esteem improvement. Through their compassionate approach, Decoding Quirk’s self-esteem counselling aims to support individuals in their journey towards greater self-love and self-acceptance.

  • Decoding Quirks is trained to provide tailored programs to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual. We recognize that everyone’s journey is unique.
  • Decoding Quirks is an award-winning mental health service with its unique blend of modalities, including traditional and modern psychology. 
  • You will get one free discovery call before you start your healing journey to get to know your coach. 
  • Our package services don’t end only after the Zoom calls, they help you stay accountable through WhatsApp support. 
  •  We create a safe and supportive environment where individuals can openly discuss their struggles, share their experiences, and receive guidance without judgement.
  • We use evidence-Based Techniques that have been proven effective in enhancing self-esteem. 
  • We provide the best in class practical tools and Resources that individuals can apply in their daily lives to boost their self-esteem. These tools empower individuals to make lasting changes and maintain a positive self-image.


Through our resources and tools, individuals are not only able to make lasting changes, but also sustain a healthy self-image. This has been true for our client SP, who experienced a profound transformation due to the support of our coach, Aditi.

Award-winning mental health coaching service, specializing in a unique holistic approach to connect with your Inner child using Psychological Modalities like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  (CBT)

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