Meanwhile, while you continue to make your way through these challenges, you find yourself wondering, why does everyone else’s life seem so perfect?
If this sounds like you, then there’s a good chance you’re stuck in a quarter-life crisis.
Growing up, we probably had a rather stereotypical idea of what adulthood would look like: having an extravagant apartment, a fancy car, a flourishing career, travelling the world with our partner, parenting (dog, plant, or even a child) and we assumed that none of this is too much to ask.
But no one ever prepared us for that feeling of ‘crisis’ in our earlier years. After all, these were ‘supposed to be’ the most fun and free years of your life, right?
Quarter life crisis occurs in the mid-20s or early 30s. Sometimes if it is not addressed the signs can lead up to your late 30s. It is a period of intense soul-searching, stress, and uncertainty. It is hard to tell whether soul-searching results from stress, or if stress causes soul-searching.
Meanwhile, while you continue to make your way through these challenges, you find yourself wondering, why does everyone else’s life seem so perfect?
If this sounds like you, then there’s a good chance you’re stuck in a quarter-life crisis.
Growing up, we probably had a rather stereotypical idea of what adulthood would look like: having an extravagant apartment, a fancy car, a flourishing career, travelling the world with our partner, parenting (dog, plant, or even a child) and we assumed that none of this is too much to ask.
Often, people experience this uncertainty because they feel trapped and uninspired. In case you feel alone – BOOM! I’m here to burst your bubble. Isn’t it comforting to know that a lot of people are in the same boat as you?
Research has shown us that quarter-life crises are more common than we may think. Survey findings reveal that 86% of millennials have gone through a quarter-life crisis. Sometimes people are unaware that they have it because it manifests in other forms and after they have reached a certain age. People reported financial stress, pressure to get married, start families, and settle down. Millennials, it’s less of a question of if you will experience a quarter-life crisis than it is a question of when.
If you don’t deal with it, it will only get worse. Let me give you an example –Even if you constantly keep eating junk food and drinking alcohol, you will be able to function. Your body won’t collapse immediately, but you are preparing it for the big burnout. Similarly, with all the confusion and unhappiness, your mind will function, but you are preparing it for a breakdown.